Research, Planning and Presentation

Identifying the topics

You need to select a topic in the interest of you and the instructor, e.g. IoT, Cloud, Big data, cloud robotics, smart cities, etc.

Presenting motivation, related work, and potential impact/expected results

You need to develop motivation, find related work and explain expected results

Working on your approach and presenting your approach

What would be your approach to solve the problem? Do you also team up with other colleagues

Working on technical and scientific details for your approach

What is your design? Any change in your approach during the work?

Present the initial results

What are your initial design and result? Do you have to continue the plan or to revise the plan

Present the final results

How would you validate your work? Do you achieve the goal? Any lesson learned?

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First meeting: 10:00, Friday 9, Nov 2018 at the Library/Seminar room, Distributed Systems Group, Argentinierstraße 8/194-02, 3rd Floor
